Tullett Prebon's SEF is granted permanent registration by the CFTC
  • tpSEF

Swap Execution Facility (SEF)

On January 26, 2016 the CFTC granted tpSEF permanent registration as a SEF.

tpSEF Inc. is headquartered in New Jersey and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tullett Prebon. It has been established to ensure the Company's compliance with Dodd-Frank legislation, enacted on July 21, 2010.

Tullett Prebon's SEF is a multi-asset SEF and offers SEF compliant execution services in the five asset classes which are covered under Dodd-Frank legislation. The SEF will utilise Tullett Prebon’s established electronic broking platforms: tpSWAPDEAL and tpMATCH for rates; tpCREDITDEAL for credit indices; tpFORWARD DEAL, tpMATCH NDF, tpMATCH FXO and tpTRADEBLADE FXO for FX; tpEQUITYTRADE for equity derivatives and tpENERGYTRADE for commodities. A central limit order book is available for all products listed for trading by tpSEF. Please see tpSEF’s Rulebook for additional details on those products

In order to be considered for participation on tpSEF Inc., we would ask that interested customers complete both an IT and Legal/Compliance onboarding pack which are available upon request from the Tullett Prebon SEF Onboarding Team by contacting: info@tpsef.com or +1 201 557 5599.

tpSEF is pleased to announce the launch of a fully electronic execution platform for 1 month NDFs effective January 1, 2023. Access to the platform is available to all Participants of tpSEF. Any Participant that establishes direct connectivity to the platform by June 30, 2023, will be granted ‘early adopter’ status, entitling them to a discount on the applicable SEF transaction fees. The details and terms of such discounts will be provided in the fee schedule, which is available to participants upon request.

Hours of Operation

tpSEF will operate on days which are business days in Singapore, London and New York. For purposes of determining if a day is a New York business day, the New York Stock Exchange must be open and such day may not be a SIFMA-recommended full day holiday. Days subject to early close in any jurisdiction will constitute business days regardless.

Days are calculated by reference to Eastern Prevailing Time in the United States. On any day on which tpSEF is operating, it will be closed from 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, but will be open the remaining twenty-three hours.

tpSEF reserves the right to close on different days or times if requested or required to do so by the CFTC or NFA, or where there is a force majeure event, such as hurricanes, flooding, terrorist attack or otherwise, affecting the above-mentioned location generally, any relevant market infrastructure (such as DCOs, payment and clearing systems or SDRs) or tpSEFs' facilities in particular.

tpSEF Inc. Terms of Use

Effective September 29, 2017, tpSEF is amending the tpSEF Inc. Terms of Use (“Terms”). This new version of the Terms is binding on all tpSEF Participants that have previously executed the Terms, and no action is needed. A comparison of the new version of the Terms to the existing version is available here.

Please direct all questions regarding this notice to compliance@tpsef.com.


General Enquiries
101 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ

Tel: +1 201 557 5599
IT & Connectivity Enquiries
101 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ
Tel: +1 201 557 5599
Compliance Enquiries
101 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ
Tel: +1 201 984 6559
and +1 201 984 6956
Trade Issues or Dispute Escalation
101 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ
New York Hours: tpSEFOps@tullettprebon.com, SEFCommittee@tullettprebon.com, SEFExecution.Specialists@us.icap.com
Tel: +201 984 6660
London Hours: BMcMullan@tullettprebon.com, Confirmations@icap.com, SEFExecution.Specialists@us.icap.com
Tel: +44 20 7200 7093
APAC Hours: phaddow@tullettprebon.com.au, APACSEFtrademgt@tpicap.com
Tel: +612 92761902